Why Costa del Mito?

Because right on our beach landed Palinuro, faithful helmsman of Aeneas, narrated by Virgil in the Fifth Book of the Aeneid.
Palinuro, who had left the Libyan coast with the whole army, fell asleep during the journey and fell into the sea. After three days at the mercy of the Noto (Mediterranean wind) lands on the Cilento coast, where he is devoured by the Lucanians, natives of the place. On this people a curse is hurled; To get rid of them, they consulted the oracle that advised them to erect an altar where they could sacrifice a goat, from which the place took the name of Torre del Capro, which then changed into Caprioli.
The funeral monument erected by the Lucanians became known as "Cenotaph" (literally "empty tomb") and since then, the area of the promontory on which it was built was called "Capo Palinuro".
The Cenotaph of Palinuro is located within our tourist village and has been declared an archaeological site of exceptional interest.

Natural monuments

In our campsite you will find some of the rarest olive trees belonging to the "pisciottana" species, only present in the Cilento.
The "curcato" olive tree, called this way, is an original example of how nature can take unexpected forms due to the shape lying on the ground of its trunk, almost as if it were sweetly asleep.
This magnificent olive tree consists of three apparently separate sections but linked to a single underground strain; in the recess of one of the sections a wild fig plant spontaneously grows.
Only in our campsite you can admire the majesty of the largest olive tree in the Cilento National Park. His age is estimated around "only" 2000 years!